The Omni
"Omni" by definition means "In all things" or "In all ways or places." It's a fitting name for this simple, yet stylish time-travel device Voyagers use to travel through the ages. The Omni, guided by unseen omnipotent forces– Most likely, the hardworking Historians and Administrators at Voyager Headquarters – knows exactly when and where to send Voyager Field workers on assignment. But it'd help if the Omni Techs re-tooled those bumpy landings!

The Omni is the tool all Voyagers use to travel through time. The Omni or Omnichron (as it was originally named in the script) comes in different state-of-the-art models, but Phineas Bogg uses a standard brass version. He often curses the Omni for getting "Stuck in the automatic mode!" with the red and green lights flashing and constant buzzing. While in automatic mode, a Voyager's unable to leave the time-zone until the Omni is field-stripped.
In the episode "World's Apart," inventor Thomas Edison (Played by Steven Keats) was so enthralled with the Omni he took it apart down to the last dirty gear, nut, and bolt and cleaned it. He'd unwittingly field-stripped it. Poor Jeffrey had a fit and thought he ruined history and his ability to see Bogg again. Edison, fortunately, had the genius to put it all back in perfect working order. The Omni had the filthiest movement he'd ever seen. When Jeffrey admitted to it being a time-machine, Edison laughed heartily, "Now that would be an invention!"
According to various magazine articles and reviews, the Omni was originally called by its full name: “The Omni-Chronometer.” That name was never used in the final cut of the series nor did the mysterious Tribunal members use it in the episode, "The Trial of Phineas of Bogg."

The Omni is truly a one-of-a-kind time-traveling device. As a television prop, it was exquisitely crafted down to the tiniest detail. While the red/green light function is simple, like stop and go, I'd venture to say the hardest part may be learning to adjust the tiny dials. This Omni clearly follows the standard Roman Calendar. English may be the mandatory language at VHQ, and all students are taught to read English numerals/months/days.
I'd wondered about character-based languages such as Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. One theory is that when prompted, the omni uses a state-of-the-art brain wave transference. It allows the Voyager to hear and see his native language and vice-versa. It's a cool concept that's been widely accepted in Voyagers and other sci-fi shows.

The Omni lid is beautiful. It has a carved "V" symbol in the center and one of the Voyager credos, "Time waits for no man," engraved across the bottom. The origin of this quote is uncertain. It may have come from a short Medieval morality play called Everyman. It's the character "Death" that utters these words. The line reads – "For wete you well the tyde abydeth no man." Later translations eventually changed it to – "Time and the tides wait for no man."
Bogg was furious after losing his Guidebook because it most likely gave directions on how to Field-strip the "darn thing" for himself. The mechanical parts of the Omni work just like a watch; in fact, any competent watchmaker can successfully service the parts. Field-Stripping doesn't involve a complete dismantling; it's more cleaning and lubricating certain parts and performing some adjustments when necessary. Kind of like an Engine tune-up as opposed to a complete overhaul.

If you look at a close-up of the Omni in the first episode, you'll see peculiar red markings around the dials. It's believed that a Voyager must line the red markings up until they are directly under the magnifier in the 'V' shape. When the activator button is pressed, they're sent to VHQ. This theory isn't proven because the red marks appear and disappear depending on which Omni prop was used in the episode or scene.
On the Omni from "The Trial of Phineas Bogg," you'll notice the lights are dead and the globe is blacked out – because VHQ is presumably beyond our world, perhaps even in another dimension or realm. But it could also mean that VHQ simply deactivated it for the Trial. VHQ can manipulate and control an Omni without the Voyager touching it.

Bogg was furious after losing his Guidebook because it most likely gave directions on how to Field Strip the darn thing for himself. The mechanical parts of the omni work just like a watch; in fact, any competent watchmaker can successfully service the parts. Field Stripping doesn't involve quite so complete a dismantling; it's more cleaning and lubricating certain parts, and performing some adjustments when necessary. Kind of like an Engine tune-up as opposed to a complete overhaul.

The Omni dials/rings are divided in 5 sections – starting with the globe. The tiny ball bearings are used for grip and to manipulate the dials.
1. The Globe - Location on the world map/landmass
2. The first is a Lock Ring to hold the globe in place
2. The Second ring represents the month. (January – December)
3. The Third ring represents the day. (1-31)
4. The Fourth ring is the latter year – On Bogg's Omni it would be 0-99, but his specific parameters were set for 1970. The Omni was not meant to travel into the future.
5. The Fifth dial is the century – On Bogg's Omni it's 1900 – 1999AD – The prop art director wasn't sure how Bogg was able to travel 1450 BC. Fans later created their own Omni parameters as you can read below.
Voyagers had better brush up on their geography because the globe only pinpoints the landmass. Perhaps future models will act like modern-day GPS devices and give the name of the country and region or employ holographic maps and landscapes. Regardless, the Omni knows exactly where to send the Voyager for his next assignment despite lacking specific visible details.
Above is an original Omni Schematic drawn by Art Director Richard B. Lewis.

A Photo of the real Omni and a knapsack. It's possible Bogg was supposed to carry the bag for his supplies. Maybe he lost it somewhere in time before he met Jeffrey.

Voyager Drake's silver Omni Model 316-50. It boasts open-time calibration and is state-of-the-art by Voyager Headquarters standards. An open-time calibration means that his Omni can be set for any time-zone without year restrictions. We never see the innards of Drake's Omni, but we can assume it resembles Bogg's version. Since Bogg and Jeffrey were assigned to track down Voyager Drake, it would've been wise of the Council to grant Bogg the same open-time calibration Omni. This also would've opened up more story-lines if the show hoped to visit the future beyond 1982. However, the Voyagers don't even stay long enough to get a replacement Guidebook! Le Sigh!
As seen by Bogg's deactivated Omni before his trial, VHQ has the power to remotely access an Omni and make adjustments. However Drake had other Voyagers working for him, and they might've reprogrammed his Omni to remain untraceable.

James Parriott drew the first Omni images on a legal pad, and they weren't a wristwatch. The wristwatch version was quickly rejected as being too modern. The Wristwatch took away from the exciting stories where the Omni gets lost or stolen. (The image was provided by fan Mike Peterson, given to him by Voyagers! Art Director Richard B. Lewis.)
On the Voyagers Guidebook Facebook Group, James Parriott provided fans with a few never before known Omni facts:
“I have the two Hero Omnis. One was for close-ups and had more powerful lights and a post out the back so you could move the globe around. The other is more self-contained and, yes, had switches for red and green on the side. Unfortunately, the lights really didn't read well on film.”
“And we also had a bunch of wooden ones with brass faces, that we could lose during stunts, etc. I'd say those were in 95% of the scenes.“
Parriott also added that: “Unfortunately, the magnifier broke off long ago, and I can't find it.“
All of the Omni sounds were added later after filming the episodes, the prop only had a solid green-light and a blinking red light, no sound.
Jim Parriott also told the Voyagers Guidebook Fan Group that the Omni lights were controlled by a prop man. The Omni was hard-wired to a large 9-volt battery. In close-up shots, a hand model was also used, rather than the actors.
* According to a fan who spoke to Meeno Peluce, the original Omni cost about $3,500.
* The Omni was 100% custom-designed, no found parts were used.
* The Omni lids were custom made, then the details of the "V" in the center were carefully hammered onto it, as well as the Lettering for "Time Waits For No Man."

Voyagers Guidebook Replica Facts
The Voyagers Guidebook Replica
Created and ©Chris Canniff, and ©Matthew Everingham
Thanks to Jake Crepeau for passing on the information.
Field-stripping the Omni requires an experienced professional; it takes a minimum of three hours on a model 316-50; for a novice on a 313 (the one Bogg has), it can take up to eight hours. It's no wonder Phineas complained to Jeffrey in the pilot episode, "Do you know how long it takes to field-strip one of these things?"
Omnis model 313 goes from 1450 BC to 1970. That's pretty interesting, considering Bogg's first voyage with Jeffrey starts during the time of Moses' infancy, 1450 BC. The Omni automatically reset itself after going so far out of its time parameters when Bogg picked up Jeffrey in 1982. When Bogg and Jeffrey landed, the dials reverted back to the start date on the Omni and stuck in automatic mode.
The gold Omni Isaac Wolfstein used was a model 310, which had a variable range that went up to 1925 AD. There was a model 305, which was pewter and went from 1450 BC to 0 AD. The earliest Omni, the 314, was platinum and went from 0 AD to 1500 AD. The 316-50's "Open time calibration" meant that it has no territorial parameters, and can go anywhere in time.

The Hero Omni above was given to long-time fan Gregg Woods, with a letter from James Parriott – "Glad you enjoyed Voyagers! We all loved making it. This is an Omni that we used for stunts (The metal ones were too dangerous.) Only 2 or 3 of these are still in existence. (I have the real Omnis.) Enjoy."
The "Hero Omni" was made of resin and painted gold. They were clipped to Hexum's belt for action scenes, like running, fighting, etc., and were glued closed to prevent them from flopping open and off the belt - potentially injuring or stumbling the actor. The light-up metal Omnis with turn-dial functions were larger and bulkier and used for the close-up shots as needed.
In the close-up photos of the Hero Omni used by Jon-Erik Hexum and Meeno Peluce, the 'V' and "Time waits for no man" text has faded. The inner portion has no dials or globe, you can see the glue spots where it was sealed and there's still dirt trapped in the belt clip.
Some sources say 3 Omnis were made and James Parriott still has the originals in his possession. There are about 2-3 Hero Omnis somewhere in time.
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![]() The Omni Memory Recorder | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() Building an omni – The workshop from | ![]() The Resin Stunt Omni FramedA gift to a fan from James Parriott. |
![]() The Resin stunt Omni | ![]() The back of the Resin stunt omni. | ![]() |
![]() Beautiful image from fan Dennis Daugherty. A reproduction created by Replica Props. | ![]() Beautiful image from fan Dennis Daugherty. A reproduction created by Replica Props. | ![]() Beautiful image from fan Dennis Daugherty. A reproduction created by Replica Props. |
![]() Beautiful image from fan Dennis Daugherty. A reproduction created by Replica Props. | ![]() Beautiful image from fan Dennis Daugherty. A reproduction created by Replica Props. | ![]() Beautiful image from fan Dennis Daugherty. A reproduction created by Replica Props. |
![]() Beautiful image from fan Dennis Daugherty. A reproduction created by Replica Props. |

The Omni Memory Recorder is a rickety device used to extract the data from a Voyager's Omni. It is particularly useful in the courtrooms and makes its first and last appearance in "The Trial of Phineas Bogg."
The Omni Memory Recorder is a whimsical machine made of clock cogs, sprockets, and springs ... like something you would see in a kooky inventor's shop at the turn of the century. The Omni Recorder is a full-on Steampunk Machine. It takes nearly half a minute to even warm-up and it somehow releases the data in a showy display of mist within an oval imaging mirror. Voyagers better keep on their toes because the device reads the Omni recorder data and it clearly documents almost every move the Voyager makes. This harmless looking device can make or break a Voyager, and like a movie, parts can be edited. Voyager Drake learned how to edit an Omni's data, or had a lackey in the Omni Production Dept. do it. He had many innocent Voyagers needlessly banished.
The Omni Memory Recorder has a safety mechanism and brims with electric energy. It can stun a man unconscious, or if put to a higher voltage, kill them.

The Recorder whirls to life as it reads and exposes the tampered contents on Bogg's Omni.

Don't mess with the power of the Omni Memory Recorder! Someone, should have warned Phineas ahead of time that he couldn't just grab his Omni off the setting? Perhaps in his desperation to escape the trial, he forgot the shocking consequences.
With all that blue energy surrounding Bogg, he looks ready to take a Quantum Leap ... very curious, when you consider the comparisons made between the two NBC shows! Dr. Sam Beckett leaps with a burst of blue electrum. This blue energy also resembles the time energy that makes contains all of the Doctor's regenerations. Everything he's ever been and ever was. It forms his unique grave in the episode "Name of the Doctor."
Excerpt from the Voyagers Guidebook Replica
Created and ©Chris Canniff, and ©Matthew Everingham
Standard Issue Omni Device: Maintenance and Field-Stripping Guide. Includes Overview
Omni models currently in production
Omni models currently in production are as follows:
Model: 313
Total Parts: 242
Material(s) of Construction: Brass
Calibration: 1450 BC to 1970 AD
Model : 316-50
Total Parts: 345
Material(s) of Construction: Silver/Aluminum
Calibration: Open time
II) Discontinued models are as follows:
Model : 305
Total Parts: 219
Material(s) of Construction: Pewter
Calibration: 1450 BC to 0 AD
Model : 310
Total Parts: 225
Material(s) of Construction: Gold
Calibration: Variable (to 1925 AD max)
Model : 314
Total Parts: 263
Material(s) of Construction: Platinum
Calibration: 0 AD to 1500 AD
Note: This portion of your guidebook is intended to cover up to model 316-50. There are over 242 parts to the current production Omnis. For this reason, there is no single assembly diagram provided (schematics, while available, are not recommended for field workers). Diagrams provided are intended as general guidelines for components similar to what you will find in your Omni.
(I) General
Omni Parts
The main parts of an Omni are the movement, the time selector/indicator dials, the global position indicator unit, and the case.
a) The movement has many parts to it, but it basically consists of two plates and a set of bridges and cocks that hold the gears of the Omni in place. The source of power for the movement is beyond the scope of this guide to describe. It is, however, transmitted to each individual Omni on a continuous basis. The central power source has several backup units to ensure continuous, reliable operation for escape from whatever hazards or perils might arise in fieldwork.
b) The time selector/indicator dials of any model Omni (except for prototypes) do not have hour and minute indications. A mainspring provides power to the Omni through a main wheel that transfers the power from the mainspring to the center wheel pinion; a center wheel that carries the date-indicating position (1-31) on its arbor and transfers power to the third wheel through the third wheel pinion; the third wheel transfers power to the fourth wheel that carries the month-indicating position (1-12) on its arbor and transfers power to the escape wheel pinion. The escape wheel has specially shaped teeth that interact with the gravitational distortion gyroscopes to effectively establish the year-indicating position (1-3421 or open time calibration).
c) The global position indicator unit must be lubricated regularly and can be serviced as per section IV.iii.g.
d) The Omni case is rigid and rarely breaks down. The two small window time-zone indicators and the central readout window are the components on the Omni most prone to failure if the Omni is in close proximity to an explosion or a severe impact with the protective cover (engraved dome) open. Major failures such as this will automatically trigger the Omni for repair and possible medical attention for the field worker in another time zone.
e) The Omni case consists of three pieces: the front protective cover (the engraved dome, or bezel), the back cover (or curette), and the body. The bezel protects critical components such as the time selector dials, the global position indicator, and (as above) the time-zone indicators. The movement and additional componentry are fixed to the back cover and protected by the body.
II) Routine Field Maintenance
Period of Running Adjustments
During the Period of Running, power decay occurs due to friction losses in the main balance and spring assembly. Such losses cannot be prevented. The Period of Running is the number of hours/minutes/days/weeks duration after initial arrival in a new time zone. The adjustments described in this section only pertain to assignments over two weeks in duration.
Adjustments improve timekeeping during this period. Adjustments may be required depending on the length of an individual Period of Running, generally after two to three weeks of continuous operation without recharging. Recharging occurs automatically (and most effectively) between various Periods of Running in the Cosmos environment, and recharging duration is always the same, regardless of previous Period Running duration.
The adjustments fall into three classes: Isochronism, Temperature, and Position.
a) Isochronism is the ability of the Omni to keep time the same as after initial arrival in a new time zone. This is achieved by adjusting the power that the mainspring delivers to be as uniform as possible by manipulating the balance spring so that the working portion of the spring maintains a uniform shape as it contracts and expands. For instructional techniques, the following can be consulted: John Arnold, Cornwall, 1785 for helical springs; and Abraham Louis Breguet, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 1805, for flat springs with an overcoil.
b) Temperature adjustments can be made depending upon ambient temperature. The balance spring and the balance generally only cause timekeeping problems during extreme temperature where elasticity of the balance spring, and changes in the dimension of the spring and balance cause distortion to apparent Period of Running. This is generally not considered critical for field operation.
c) Position adjustments are often needed during the Period of Running, particularly on the main balance wheel. The balance wheel and other components are sensitive to operation on the sides of their pivots. The Omni is designed to be upright at all times, the gears spinning on the ends of the pivots (as required for optimal operation). Position adjustment are required only when the Omni is placed flat on a table for extended periods. This involves either Isochronism adjustments, changes to the shape of the balance spring’s overcoil, or a flattening of the balance’s pivots, which is recommended only for short-term repair or adjustments.
III) Field Stripping the Omni
Your Omni should be field stripped following any incidence of malfunction.
Field stripping, as preventative maintenance on any model Omni, is required on a semi-annual basis. Check the Omni internal clock for verification of preventative maintenance schedules on your specific Omni prior to disassembly.
Disassemble with care. Ensure you are in a green zone and removed from danger prior to disassembly. Field stripping the Omni is easiest with tools acquired after the invention of the first pocket watch (Peter Henlein, Nuremburg,1500 AD). Jeweler’s precision is required for disassembling the Omni. Disassembly time ranges from three hours for the most experienced professional on a model 316-50, to eight hours for a novice on a model 313.
i) Tool Requirements
Each field worker needs to establish the quality of tools he wishes to use for field stripping his Omni. There are high-quality and economy tools. Higher quality 19th-and 20th-century hand tools include Bergeon, Dumont, Swanstrom, Lindstrom, Corradi, Grobet, and Peer-Vigor. Economy tools from the same time periods are usually made in China, Pakistan, or India, and are made of soft steel.
The following tools are required for field stripping any model Omni:
Box to hold movement and parts
Clean worktable with table-mounted lamp
Eye loupe, 30x magnification optimal.
Non-marking blocks.
Four-inch set of jeweler’s files with #2 or #4 Barrette file.
Small ball-peen hammer
Class 100 mainspring C-clamps
General-purpose C-clamps
small Miniature oiler with high-quality oil
Spring winder
Pivot locator
Jeweler’s locking pliers, flat-smooth nose and long nose.
Diagonal cutters
6 x 1/8 screwdriver, slotted
Spring letdown key set with handle.
Locking tweezers, 6-inch.
Variable pin vise with anvil up to ¼ inch. (Palmgren drill press vise if possible).
Small adjustable wrench
Broaches (5-sided or smoothing)
Beat amplifier, or clock timer with beat amplifier
Winding crank
Precision micrometer (to four decimal places)
Dial caliper (to three significant figures)
Pallet warmer (optional)
Jeweler’s lathe (optional)
Ultrasonic cleaner (may be required)
Eye loupe,150x magnification (may be required)
(IV) Opening the Omni Case
Omni Disassembly
Every model of Omni has a screw-back-and-bezel (SB&B) case. The movement and additional components are fixed to the back cover. Extreme care must be taken when separating the SB&B case from the body.
a) To disassemble the Omni:
1. Ensure hands are dry. Hold the Omni, facing away from you, in the palm of your left hand, with the dematerialization switch beneath your left thumb. Press the palm of your right hand firmly on the back of the case and unscrew four screws by applying pressure to turn it counterclockwise. Using a circular piece of sheet rubber to grip the engraved dome can alleviate any problems with slipping.
2. Remove the front protective cover (the engraved dome, or bezel) by tapping with a small ball-peen hammer on the top of each screw (2 total). Use the locking pliers to turn the screw out counterclockwise. Set the Omni facing down over four non-marking blocks and secure with two general-purpose C-clamps.
3. Remove the back cover (curette) from the body. This must be done very carefully, observing through the 30x eye loupe. There is a slightly recessed lip on one edge of the case and a groove in the curette, which assists in breaking the seal. Use diagonal cutters to pry into the groove, and then slide it gently around the edge of the case (without cutting into the seal) to open the back.
4. Use locking pliers and the variable pin vise to separate the dematerialization switch assembly from the main switch. Be careful not to activate the switch. Deactivate the switch assembly by turning the red arrow toward the position marked “service position.” This will also deactivate your Omni’s power.
5. The automatic mode selector switch on the side of your Omni must be carefully pried from the edge of the case. If you have trouble removing the switch, do not force it. It is best to use a small adjustable wrench and locking tweezers to push against the side of the case while pulling on the top of the switch with moderate force. You should feel the center of
the switch move to an outer position, settling into that position with a soft click.
6. Set the curette away from the body, with the movement and additional components in the upward position. You are now ready to begin cleaning and servicing your Omni for optimal performance.
III) Cleaning and servicing your Omni
The following internal mechanisms are critical and/or prone to failure, and therefore need careful attention when field-stripping your Omni:
a. Time selector dials and associated time
selector switches
b. Automatic setting synchronizer band and
automatic randomizer unit switch
c. Gravitational distortion gyroscopes
d. Time zone indicators
e. Dematerialization switch assembly
f. Omni memory recorder
g. Global position indicator unit and locator
h. The movement
Procedures in this section have been standardized in all models, as much as possible. Procedures must be followed in the exact sequence as defined.
Do not attempt to remove the synchronizer band for brass series 313 Omnis, or on any of the discontinued models. This will not result in open time calibration. Instead, a distortion of bandwidths between the gravitational gyroscopes could result. The result will be Omni recall to Voyager Headquarters and subsequent disciplinary action as per Violation of Territorial Parameters Code III, Section VIII (ii). Rigid adherence to the Voyager Code is required in this and all other matters at all times in fieldwork.
(V) Omni Cleaning
Removing and lubricating time selector dials and associated time selector switches
1. Remove date indicator – two press rivets – with jeweler’s locking pliers or locking tweezers.Careful removal is required, as excessive force with the Omni activated will result in automatic-mode triggering of the Omni. Your Omni should be deactivated at this point as per previous procedure IV.ii.a.4.
2. Remove center sleeve with global position indicator as a unit. This will slide upwards after releasing the locking pins on each side (four total). A variable pin vise is best for this.
3. Remove time selector dials 2 and 3 by press-forcing down and simultaneously releasing the gear switches through momentary contact on the spring-loaded clips (red) from above. Remove the mainspring and the center wheel.
4. There is a thin metal band between dials 3 and 4. This is the automatic setting synchronizer band for the automatic mode. This band must be removed prior to removing dial 3. Attach adjustable pliers to the outside of this band and remove carefully with tweezers. Ensure clockwise orientation on disassembly table. Improper re-assembly in a counter-clockwise orientation will result in the locking of, and therefore inability to set, dials 3 and 4.
5. Remove time selector dials 3 and 4 the same as in procedure IV.iii.a.3. Remove third and fourth wheels and the escape wheel.
6. Set the dials with switches on the disassembly table. Lubrication of the switches is recommended using a miniature oiler. For service on the mainspring, center wheel, third and fourth wheels, and escape wheel, see section IV.iii.h.
b. Checking automatic setting synchronizer band and automatic randomizer unit switch.
1. Inspect the band for any signs of wear, pitting, or corrosion. Use ultrasonic cleaner is necessary. Use dial caliper to ensure a continuous bandwidth of 3,500 mm. any variations should be repaired. The band can be straightened with locking pliers, and then re-measured.
2. Use a winding crank to rewind the band to 0.5 N.m force. Outside diameter should not exceed 4.5000 mm when fully compressed
3. Trigger the automatic randomizer unit switch with your right hand by pressing the covered button. Let the inside of the cover swing fully open. Once the cover is released, ease it open with your left hand. Do not let it hit hard as it swings open. Close the cover with your right hand, and retrigger. The movement should be rapid, and the trigger should hit hard on the stop. If it does not, oiling and/or cleaning will be required.
c. Caring for the gravitational distortion gyroscopes:
These are the most important components of your Omni. They are the parts which make time and space travel possible and are covered in great detail in Voyager’s Advanced Relativity Theory 1203. Take extreme care when inspecting or servicing these units. They are designed never to wear or be replaced over the lifetime of the Omni; however, certain conditions not considered in the original design may occur in the field which would facilitate the rebuilding of these units. A schematic is necessary and is included on the side of each gyroscope in miniature form. It can be read with a 150-x magnification loupe or a microscope. Set aside several days to complete the rebuilding of either of the two gyroscopes.
d. Repairing time zone indicators:
The two small window time-zone indicators can only be damaged if the Omni is in close proximity to an explosion or severe impact with the protective cover (engraved dome) open. Automatic triggering of the Omni will place the user in a time zone away from immediate danger. Then the indicators will need to be repaired.
1. Remove eight screws from beneath the Omni front case for each indicator cover.
2. Remove all debris from the indicators.
3. The indicator covers can be replaced with Lexan, Plexiglass, or other durable material. The indicators themselves are rigid and will withstand the majority of the force of any potential impact.
(VI) Disassembling the dematerialization switch assembly
Omni Malfunction Repair
It is crucial that this switch be repaired following any incidence of malfunction.
1. At this point, the dematerialization switch assembly should be separated from the main switch, and the red arrow should be in “service” position. Ensure this is the case.
2. Carefully remove two press-rivets in the front of the switch assembly
3. Activate the switch by replacing the crown. There should be a momentary bell-sounding.
If this is not the case, the switch is not functioning properly. Disassemble and troubleshoot as per schematics on the side of the switch.
f. Omni memory recorder:
This is a sealed unit and should not be tampered with. If, however, the memory recorder has been damaged, adjust the microswitch on top of the recorder (white lever) to the home position. This will cause automatic recall of your Omni for service at Voyager Headquarters.
g. Global position indicator unit and locator assembly
1. There are 26 lubrication points on this assembly, located on all sides. Lubricate them all with a small oiler.
2. The locator assembly should read your current location. Global position should be accurate. Micro-schematics are located on the bottom of the assemblies, for both the global position indicator unit and the locator assembly
h. Movement:
The mainspring is connected to a small lever through a series of four gears (one per time-selector dial) and an escape wheel. The small lever holds the escape wheel in place with one of its pallets until the balance trips the lever as it passes through the balance spring’s neutral position. The escape wheel pushes against the lever and then pushes against a small jewel mounted on the shaft of the balance. Once the lever has pushed the balance, it continues to move until it once again locks the escape wheel. At this point, everything is once against in a resting state, except for the balance. This is the “free-time” operating mode of the Omni, which, when actuated through the dematerialization switch assembly, selects either automatic mode or works with the gravitational distortion gyroscopes to select the exact time and place indicated by the user.
A slipping clutch ensures that the mainspring is not overwound when it is fully tensioned. The rotor and its weight have been matched to the mainspring tension at the beginning of a Period of Running.
Performance of the Omni’s mechanism can become relatively unreliable because of excessive play in the parts. Thus, extreme care is required in caring for the Omni’s movement. Typical assemblies found for all the time-selector dial gears are detailed below.
Any watch manufacturer after 1500 AD will be able to assist you in caring for and servicing these parts.